Monday, October 21, 2013

Message from the Angels

Curiosity seekers from all over the globe want to know what it is that attracts angels . Angels have become a phenomena highly sought after, even though they have been present for ages. Todays conscious environment is ripe for a message from the angels, and I am here today to tell you they are so close to you you can feel the brush of their wings against your shoulder.

Children often feel their angels simply because they are open minded. Why wouldn't they get a visit from their guardian angels? I felt this way as a child, and I remember my first encounter. At eight I was walking to my friends grandmothers house that was one street over. It was my first time leaving the road I grew up on. As I continued onto unfamiliar territory I sensed a presence with me that was warm and protective. Instinct told me it was my guardian angel and I felt comfortable in the presence of such a loving being.

As an adult I continue to seek out the company of angels, and I am rewarded with conversations not unlike the one that follows:

"Angels, I rest in your arms now. Is there something you would like to say to me today? I feel the warmth of your light. Thank you for being so ever present. I wish to get out of my own way. Guess it starts by being quiet and listening…" 

"The world is Jesus galaxy. There are many. You were right when you wrote down the Whispers that most humans  feel they are on the right track but there are many tracks. What you are writing now is a continuation of your education to share in True North. We are pleased."

"Thank you. What do you want my focus to be?"

"To just be."

"I love being in the now. It is pure happiness momentarily.Thank you for encouraging me to get quiet on purpose."

"Ask the Om if they are interested in our conversations. This has come up again and again. You ignore us."


"Don't be sorry, take action."

"Thank you. Why do I resist agreement?"

"Because you are sticking your neck out. We are trying to help you gain popularity for heavens sake (excuse the pun) so we can get the word out. It has little to do with you. Does that make you feel better?"

"Sort of. Seems like an awfully large responsibility."

"It’s not awful at all. It is a blessing."

"My but you are vocal this morning."

"You asked for it, my friend."

"Thank you :) Anything else?"


"Thank you."