Monday, November 4, 2013

The Turning Point

I'm big on affirmations. Life is all about what your tell yourself your story is, and by acting from your true principles and character.

I am challenged to look at more conscious values and stand up for a new vision for society. I balance divine feminine gifts of love, imagination, compassion and wisdom. I embrace ideals of progress, prosperity and freedom historically rewarded to the male energy alone.

I write into my story a time for new beginnings and expanding awareness. A fire is kindled and a turning point is inspired in me. The doors open to Divine energies that determine who I think I am from the inside out.

In being my own detective, my purpose in this life came to me very clearly.

I am to model an example of living in the flow of Gods abundant supply.

Most of us wonder what our purpose in life is. I think it is because we try to figure it out instead of sit in the midst of it. Evolution and transformation are possible if one can release all that holds one back from knowing and living their personal truth.

It's all about trust. Trusting your true self which is the divinity in you.

I challenge you to try it on. Sit in the midst of it and write out a new present. Tell your own unique story to yourself, from yourself, and with yourself. Enter your own turning point.

Be divine and inspired, with love in light.
