Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Secret Solution

I'm going to ask you a few questions and tell you a great secret.

Are you striving to get to the spiritual side of yourself? What do I mean by that?

When we are in the midst of living, it is difficult to have a divine perspective because our humanity  takes over. What's in it for me? the human doing might say.

We make our own messes but we hardly are the first ones to sign up for taking the responsibility for our actions. So what's the secret solution?

Wake up! Embrace your spirituality before the pain of staying the same is too great to bear. What if I could impart a great secret?

You can't always make something happen! What if I told you you could experience an amazing shift by going from striver to receiver by letting go of your ego - the part of you who ignores the consequences of pushing to make things happen. Has it been your experience that only creates frustration?

Ever heard the expression, Let go and let God?

When we do let go and let God our feminine awakens and is pushed to question:

Who am I now at this time in my life? Am I on the track that aligns me with my soul?

You can get to the other side of yourself when you get committed to your own personal growth and healing. Be like a rose in bud form who waits to receive the bloom. Release what is no longer important to create a void that can be filled up with self care. Bravely sit like the potted plant in a historically poignant painting and allow what is next to find you.

Stop striving to make something happen, let go, and sit with the nothingness long enough to allow your life to refill. It will!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Love the One you're With

As we set new goals for 2014 let us remember that material security is an illusion that lulls us into a false feeling of confidence. When we realize our significance is based on who we are and our actions, how much we possess loses it's importance. Now is the time to love the one you're with and that one is YOU!

This is why I encourage you to look upon yourself with compassion and make understanding yourself a goal in 2014.  Realize we are made in the image of God and God doesn't make any junk!  Make a list of the things you think are your good qualities and you will continue to attract them into your life. Yes!, I'm saying love yourself into wholeness!

An act of gratitude toward all your qualities can inspire the perspective that you are perfect and valuable just as you are. Love the one you're with!

As long as we have any judgement, condemnation and criticism toward our selves we are acting from the place of ego, (edging God out) and will be out of alignment with the one source that can help us achieve our goals.

Your true worth cannot be bolstered by the world, as the world has its own standards. Love the one you're with, yourself, a divinely inspired creature that is perfect in every way.