Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Every Mandala has a Story

I first became acquainted with the Mandala as I saw it on the cover of Christina Baldwin’s sacred book, Life’s Companion, Journaling as a spiritual quest.

The great round Mandala explores the cycles of self. I am an artist as well as a writer and it is my passion to intuitively explore this concept by painting canvas’s for the cover of my book, True North.

 Mandala means circle and symbolically contains our essence separated by quadrants. It is representative of the spirit within each of us, and it is our love for life that transforms and is the evolution of our soul.

The metaphor for the Mandala embraces the concept of the human body as the earthly home for the soul. It is used to describe the deep peace and feeling of safety and joy and contentment found in an intimate relationship with self.

When you learn to love and let yourself be loved you find residence with your own spirit – your  true north.  You are completely at one in the house of your own longing and belonging.

What I love about my new vision for painting Mandalas is that it allows for a spiritual language to reveal itself in the forms of color and design. Every Mandala has a story, and story is how we reveal ourselves to the world.

Symbols move the human spirit forward. Come home and be whole, in the sweet, sweet symbol of the mandala.