Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Inspired by Desire
Action plans for a successful VO career in 2016

Imagine you have nothing except your passion, your personality and your business model to create a career you love.

Are you inspired to follow your bliss and dream of becoming a voice actor in 2016?
Couple patience with meditation and ambition and I came up with a few pointers to save you some time setting goals for 2016.

By dividing your days into four quadrants, equilibrium is established and it is much easier to keep the balance between auditioning, marketing and managing a home.

No one can do everything. However, I have found that by doing one thing in each of these groups I can keep my head in the game and have order in my personal life too!

Audition sites:
As a voice actor an interview for a particular job with a demonstration of your suitability and skill is a must. Pick one activity and audition every day!
Casting sites
Pay to Play
Craig’s List
Local City vendors
Production companies
Call List
Radio stations

Social Media
We are now our own agents. We must be the editor, the producer, the marketing engineer and the touting talent. PLATFORM is everything!
Web site
Vimeo, video
Chamber of Commerce

“C” time activities
Got kids? A home? A business and a social life?
Laundry, housework, yard work
Calendar organization
Rate sheets
Business / postcards
Quick books

Even the best in the industry have coaches. Dive in to the wonderful world of web training and social integration!
VO books
You Tube tutorials
Acting class

The learning never ends, is fun and enriching, and will bring you knowledge and success. Unless we purpose to serve we have no purpose. Lets let people know who we are and what we can do for them!