Monday, November 7, 2022

Coming to life again!

 Dear friends,

Margot, one of the women in my spiritual tribe asked me today if I wrote a blog. 

" I haven't thought of my blog in years," I was shy to say. I then went on to see if I could still find it and was delighted that I could!

It's not that I have stopped writing, mind you. I write every day, sometimes for three or four hours a day, depending on what project I am working on.

I keep four journals. 

One : A page a day in appreciation for all things at the start of the day. This ensures I create my day with gratitude and on purpose. 

Two:I write in a journal in conjunction with angels and guides. I meditate and listen and write down what they say.

Three: My daily trek. By this I mean that I journal everything that has happened to me the day before. I can't tell you how many times this has saved my bacon. One time I got a ticket in the mail and I could not figure out why I was cited and where. Sure enough, I went back to the date of the issue and there it was. Caught going through a red light at 8:30 am going 18 MPH in a 45. I was looking for a conference center in a strange town! How embarrassing!

Four: I keep a notebook to self that holds all my precious musings from living with higher Consciousness.

I'm coming to life again and now that I have been prompted, I will be better :) In the meantime, I invite you to visit past blog posts. The information is still inspirational! Namaste