Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Darkness prevails, inviting still, small places, spaces to recollect
the treasures of submission to the depth of winter. 
We feel the almighty Presence saturate us.
A warm mist covers our mind, our bodies, and our souls.
We receive this grace and don't dare move. It is a balm as the moment continues, infinity timed.
Whisper by

Monday, December 3, 2012

Are you stuck?

A developmental stage is defined by an underlying impulse toward change that signals us from the realm of mind or spirit. These inner realms where we register the meaning of our participation in the external world.
How do you feel about your job? Your family roles? Social issues?In what way are our values, goals and aspirations being invigorated or violated by your present life structure? How many parts of your personality can you live out, and what parts are you leaving out?
This is no time to fall back, lose ground or simply ignore the impulse to change what is not working anymore. Successful people get in the game and get started. Don't cast your ideas aside. You don't need anyone to tell you what to do anymore. Go to work!

Monday, November 26, 2012

I'm coming clean...

Come clean, Julanne!
You've been fighting with your ego again!

Over and over again we must choose to stay clear in our vision.

In last weeks telecast, my coach Joanne McCall (The Media Polisher) told Me:

"Julanne, lets recount the things you have done right in this program."

I strive to keep learning and adopt the business skills that will allow my dream to work. To find the marketplace functions and accept advice that is truly helpful and balances certain strengths and weaknesses.

A dream is only a pipe dream until one is willing to give credence to the pragmatic, business, financial, and realistic aspects of a project Vs. the softer, romantic, creative spiritual companion of the inner person.

The Creative in me dreams blissfully of having a strong platform, book in hand, hearing the applause from a cheering, clapping audience as I deliver my dream to the world.

The pragmatic me struggles with creating a blog, setting up an email signature, defining a URL, writing a trailer, solving problems, delivering key words for search engine optimization. You get the picture...

But the bonding between pragmatism and faith is the key to any successful adventure. The business person must couple with the artist to find the balance. Are you up for the challenge?

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Give it away!

 This holiday  season we have an opportunity to be the peace that we seek and give generously of our selves through simple acts of kindness.

What can you do to make this season memorable?

Free give away tips!

smile :)                                             be generous                                  make a call to you know who
make eye contact                             offer assistance                             hug a child
Listen                                               volunteer                                      give a stranger a compliment

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

"Don't let your ear go to the loudest noise."

We give thanks in your creation mighty God surrounding earth!
We take enormous pleasure in the wonders you give birth.
The birds of a feather, the blossoms in the field.
Your voice sounds as thunder majestic in it's yield.
Who can gaze upon a sunset and not marvel in Your glory?
In the world of your creation You tell a great story.

You turn the seasons, summer, winter, spring and fall
We enjoy your piece works brilliant color, radiant all.

We give thanks in your creation  mighty God surrounding earth
Humbly we bow before thee and beg you gather us to your girth.

Seasons greetings!


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

"Every day you become a more beautiful person on the outside because of what you are doing on the inside."
by Julanne Dalke