Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Power of Patience

One of the most important life lessons I am currently working on is the power of patience. I am one who typically has many irons in the fire. That way I can be working toward one goal while the others are percolating.

But what happens when all of the activities you have worked on are incubating at the same time?

You learn to be patient!

I am grand kid sitting. I am also sitting ten newly hatched chicks. I am amazed at how fast they are growing. The period of incubation is over. If the eggs were not allowed to hatch on their own, the picture might have been painted differently. We had to be patient and let the chicks develop on their own. Try keeping six children under the age of twelve from helping the chicks along. It required more than a little patience!

I have found myself working my rear off the first six months of this year. I wanted to take advantage of the saturn return. I just turned 59 August 30th.

Now, as we enter the second half of 2013 I am finding I am moving into a more socially aware period. I find myself in situations where I am encouraged to improve my skills in social media, networking and to venture out and encourage and greet new friendships upon invitation.

The dictionary defines the word patience as the capacity to accept or tolerate delay without getting angry or upset. 

Being a worker, I find idle hands a bit of abnormal. However, it is an opportunity to practice the art of allowance, where I do not have to be specifically involved making things happen. Yes, I am still extremely goal oriented. However, I am finding that patience is an area I wish to embrace instead of rebel against. I want to practice being in the now and instead of trying to control the future, I want to practice patience, which many say is a virtue...  a hard won, and rewarding virtue at that!

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