Monday's musings begin with a thought towards service. All of us have a gift to give. Whether you are a teacher, a student, a white collar worker or you are in construction, each one of us has special talents and skills we can share with the world. In Service Leave your thumbprint.
November is the month Americans typically celebrate Thanksgiving. Besides the turkey and dressing, what are you thankful for? Better yet, let's think about ways we can be of service to others.
Historically, the holiday months are surrounded by chaos, strife and anxiety. There are plenty of people who would benefit by your smile alone. If you find you cannot contribute to the toy drive, the soup kitchen, hospital volunteerism, or all things related to the holidays, consider giving energetic service instead or even in addition to concrete services.
Energetic service to others represents the things in life that you can give away that are free. Just as a stone thrown into a pond will have a ripple effect, so do your loving thoughts. Positivity, kindness, joy, understanding patience, appreciation and gratitude are all services we can provide at any moment. As you apply these practices, positive vibes will spread out into the vibrational world and touch thousands in the ripple effect.
Instead of saying "Here I am", say "There you are!" In serving others you serve your own soul. As you step into your own light you will be a beacon of brilliance to others. Be the change you wish to see in the world. In service, leave your thumbprint!
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