Monday, February 3, 2025

Life is Great!

 Life is Great!

I like to start my day in appreciation for all things wonderful and free.

Let's play the Great Game!

Isn’t it great that the sun comes up every morning by the grace of a creative Genius and all knowing power many of us call God?

Isn’t it great that this Creator gives us all kinds of growing things to look at once we open our eyes to the great outdoors?

Isn’t it great that we are not in charge of the grass that grows, the trees that stand tall, the birds that perch in the trees, the turkeys and deer that roam the woods?

Isn’t it great that we don’t have the job of putting the planets in order? Isn’t it great that the oceans are filled with fish and mammals that are pushed and pulled lazily by the tides of the moon?

Isn’t it great that we have domestic animals that keep us company on the most primal level? The cats and dogs and horses and cows and the wild ones that roam free like butterflies who cross our paths majestically in the course of an ordinary day?

These are the blessed thoughts I wish to wake up with setting the course for a brand new day. Appreciate every opportunity to find and practice good feelings. 

Outside my window this morning is a Filbert nut tree. A scraggly branch has lost all its leaves in the course of winter except for one.

It's a great day when there is one leaf wagging its tail in the wind like a happy puppy.

Life is great!

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