Friday, June 21, 2013

Literary agencies

My new effort in getting my book, True North published, is to realize I need help. In the past I self published. The reason being, I didn't see myself as an author as much as I viewed myself as  writer. As a result, there are two of my best works sitting on my shelf here at home, waiting to be born again. Media publicist, Joanne McCall, suggested that  if I have a message, wouldn't it make sense to get it out there to help thousands or maybe millions instead of those in my personal sphere?


It clicked, I went forward with the idea, and after much training and polished effort, I have a proposal worthy of enticing the most discretionary literary agent.

Getting a query letter out once a day is my motto, just like a vitamin. I find I must do at least one thing a day in my business or I wouldn't be in business. I am an Author as well as a Story collector. These are my two focus's right now. I got help.

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