Sunday, June 23, 2013

Mini successes make up a magnitude of major ones

This business of e-querying and querying by snail mail is exciting. I am officially inspired by an SASE (self addressed stamped envelope) I received back Friday from David Black Literary agency.

"Thank you for sending us your material for our consideration. At this time WE WOULD LIKE to read an excerpt of your manuscript..."

I thought my eyes would bug out of my head, and there was no one home to share this thrilling news!

I called my Mother immediately, of course. She is my # one fan :)

Within moments of this great news I received a call from my publicity agent on another matter, but hey!    Divine providence! A stimulating discussion followed about how to handle the situation... they wanted fifty pages and I have only 33 in the proposal...

We strategized and came up with a solution. Author... I like the sound of that.

This is the second time I have garnered the interest of a literary agency. I'm on my way, don't cha think? Yay

1 comment:

  1. Work it, work it, work it! I know I'm no publisher but I do LOVE your writing!
