Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Art of Appreciation through Transformation

The Art of Appreciation

“I woke up this morning and looked out my window, Kelly started. The simplest thing… There are Rhododendrons blooming profusely near the white gate in my yard, showing the first signs of spring. In that moment I was in deep appreciation for the simple treasures in life and I realized I couldn’t be looking out over the ocean on the San Diego bay and see more beauty.”

“Sometimes I pull a card from my bird deck,” Kelly started, “and this morning I pulled the red Cardinal. The meaning on the card means transformation and the exercise asked me to meditate on the first four thoughts I could come up with.

Drink In
Be Light

These key phrases resonated with me. As I put a bracket around these expressions it occurred to me that this could be the embodiment of transformation in appreciation. Transformation is something that happens to you. It is not something that the ego can negotiate. Therefore, it takes all the risk out as one transpires. There is no striving. 

The definition of the word, transformation, according to Webster’s dictionary is:

A thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance. Add to that the recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of something or someone and you have the art of appreciation through transformation.

Transformation concerns a certain morphing that has little to do with what we put on the outside of our body. In the spiritual context, it is a transcendent metamorphosis. When we change the inner structure, we change the outer countenance as well.

In conscious appreciation, we acknowledge and then lure what it is we value in communion with the spirit.

The law of attraction tells us that we magnetize into our lives those things, feelings, and aspirations we declare. It makes sense, and then that whatever we are grateful for in deep appreciation will mirror and reflect our future circumstances.

Appreciation is recognizing, in gratitude and thankfulness, respect for principles, ethics and moral codes. One gets to choose to incorporate appreciation into life – or not. It creates a conscious awareness that a change in attitude is taking place, and for this I am thankful and grateful.

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