Friday, April 4, 2014

Valerie Bertinelli and Being Comfortable with your Existence

Valerie Bertinelli is speaking out against what she sees as a cultural tendency to focus unnecessary attention on a woman’s weight, as if her identity were wrapped up in her dress size.

“We have to take the shame out of It., “ she told news reporters.

This is a good lesson to remember.

What you do and what your body looks like does not define you. It’s about being comfortable with your existence.

Reflecting on how you identify yourself – through work, social status, or body image – might give you a greater sense of who you think you might be but not necessarily who you are.

How we reflect on our identity should be distinguished by who we are at the core level, created beings full of light and spirit and not by what we can accomplish.

In our success driven world it is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that our value lies in our work, or our weight or how we describe ourselves in social media. Who we say we are and the amount of responsibilities we take on can become a trap of thinking our value comes from outer appearances. We can even fall for the lie of being defined according to other people’s standards!

I challenge you to see yourself through the eyes of Source as you come forth to joyous expansion. I encourage you to orchestrate your goals in conjunction with the lessons you have learned through diversity as well as peace, joy and love.

In the light of fulfilling your greater purpose through your contributions on this planet, remember…

You are capable enough just as you are.

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