Wednesday, December 11, 2013

December Whisper

December Whisper

Darkness prevails, inviting still, small places. Spaces to recollect the treasures of submission to the depth of winter.

We feel the almighty presence saturate us.

A warm mist covers our mind, our bodies and our souls.

We receive this grace and don't dare move.

It is a balm as the moment continues, infinity timed.

December is often wrought with anxiety when just as easily it can be enjoyed as mirth. As we continue in the moment we can catch ourselves in moments of unrest and replace them with zest! It is a simple as being conscious of our level of vibration. If you want to feel good, you have to feel God, as God is good and good feels great!

As we celebrate the season I encourage you to invite peace and let it saturate you. It's a beautiful thing. Try it!

Monday, November 4, 2013

The Turning Point

I'm big on affirmations. Life is all about what your tell yourself your story is, and by acting from your true principles and character.

I am challenged to look at more conscious values and stand up for a new vision for society. I balance divine feminine gifts of love, imagination, compassion and wisdom. I embrace ideals of progress, prosperity and freedom historically rewarded to the male energy alone.

I write into my story a time for new beginnings and expanding awareness. A fire is kindled and a turning point is inspired in me. The doors open to Divine energies that determine who I think I am from the inside out.

In being my own detective, my purpose in this life came to me very clearly.

I am to model an example of living in the flow of Gods abundant supply.

Most of us wonder what our purpose in life is. I think it is because we try to figure it out instead of sit in the midst of it. Evolution and transformation are possible if one can release all that holds one back from knowing and living their personal truth.

It's all about trust. Trusting your true self which is the divinity in you.

I challenge you to try it on. Sit in the midst of it and write out a new present. Tell your own unique story to yourself, from yourself, and with yourself. Enter your own turning point.

Be divine and inspired, with love in light.


Monday, October 21, 2013

Message from the Angels

Curiosity seekers from all over the globe want to know what it is that attracts angels . Angels have become a phenomena highly sought after, even though they have been present for ages. Todays conscious environment is ripe for a message from the angels, and I am here today to tell you they are so close to you you can feel the brush of their wings against your shoulder.

Children often feel their angels simply because they are open minded. Why wouldn't they get a visit from their guardian angels? I felt this way as a child, and I remember my first encounter. At eight I was walking to my friends grandmothers house that was one street over. It was my first time leaving the road I grew up on. As I continued onto unfamiliar territory I sensed a presence with me that was warm and protective. Instinct told me it was my guardian angel and I felt comfortable in the presence of such a loving being.

As an adult I continue to seek out the company of angels, and I am rewarded with conversations not unlike the one that follows:

"Angels, I rest in your arms now. Is there something you would like to say to me today? I feel the warmth of your light. Thank you for being so ever present. I wish to get out of my own way. Guess it starts by being quiet and listening…" 

"The world is Jesus galaxy. There are many. You were right when you wrote down the Whispers that most humans  feel they are on the right track but there are many tracks. What you are writing now is a continuation of your education to share in True North. We are pleased."

"Thank you. What do you want my focus to be?"

"To just be."

"I love being in the now. It is pure happiness momentarily.Thank you for encouraging me to get quiet on purpose."

"Ask the Om if they are interested in our conversations. This has come up again and again. You ignore us."


"Don't be sorry, take action."

"Thank you. Why do I resist agreement?"

"Because you are sticking your neck out. We are trying to help you gain popularity for heavens sake (excuse the pun) so we can get the word out. It has little to do with you. Does that make you feel better?"

"Sort of. Seems like an awfully large responsibility."

"It’s not awful at all. It is a blessing."

"My but you are vocal this morning."

"You asked for it, my friend."

"Thank you :) Anything else?"


"Thank you."

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Freedom from Striving

In the midst of the great depression Napoleon Hill captured Americans imagination with his book Think and Grow Rich. He introduced the self actualization movement by asking his readers to "be receptive to ideas, thoughts, and knowledge"which reaches us through our sixth sense, intuition.

Some people awaken to these possibilities when they are in their late twenties. They live their lives with purpose and ambition. Relationships and major life decisions are often the focal points at this stage in life.

I just turned 59, the age that marks the transition to mature adulthood. The job before me now is to do what I really want to do and grasp the lifestyle I really want, no matter what changes and disruptions I have to go through. I am revisiting reception to ideas. I am becoming more thoughtful. I am definitely seeking knowledge...

Millions of Boomer women are joining me on my quest to clear out old baggage from the past so we can lighten our load for the center stage. I find myself letting go of all the things I strived for to make me happy, such as the house, the car, the trips; superficial things. I am moving toward a more basic lifestyle. I'm leaving behind faded ideas that no longer serve me and work that puts too much strain on my physical and mental health.

The good news is I feel a sense of freedom from having to struggle for validation and approval I thought I needed as a young adult. I am consciously practicing  relaxing my mind, body and soul from an attitude of striving.

Rather than giving up, I am searching for a more authentic way of being. One can still work, achieve, and excel at their profession, but the motives for doing so change from duty and demand to personal satisfaction. I am finding my own inner authority. I find I have much more outer assurance without the stress on accomplishment as proof of existence or self worth.

Intuition is not a new idea. But when we become conscious of the structural changes necessary to compel us to live our best life now, it is much easier to embrace the change, let go of stress from striving and get in touch with the real you.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Power of Patience

One of the most important life lessons I am currently working on is the power of patience. I am one who typically has many irons in the fire. That way I can be working toward one goal while the others are percolating.

But what happens when all of the activities you have worked on are incubating at the same time?

You learn to be patient!

I am grand kid sitting. I am also sitting ten newly hatched chicks. I am amazed at how fast they are growing. The period of incubation is over. If the eggs were not allowed to hatch on their own, the picture might have been painted differently. We had to be patient and let the chicks develop on their own. Try keeping six children under the age of twelve from helping the chicks along. It required more than a little patience!

I have found myself working my rear off the first six months of this year. I wanted to take advantage of the saturn return. I just turned 59 August 30th.

Now, as we enter the second half of 2013 I am finding I am moving into a more socially aware period. I find myself in situations where I am encouraged to improve my skills in social media, networking and to venture out and encourage and greet new friendships upon invitation.

The dictionary defines the word patience as the capacity to accept or tolerate delay without getting angry or upset. 

Being a worker, I find idle hands a bit of abnormal. However, it is an opportunity to practice the art of allowance, where I do not have to be specifically involved making things happen. Yes, I am still extremely goal oriented. However, I am finding that patience is an area I wish to embrace instead of rebel against. I want to practice being in the now and instead of trying to control the future, I want to practice patience, which many say is a virtue...  a hard won, and rewarding virtue at that!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Living Your Best Life Now

Life can be exciting when you open up to the possibilities of living your best life now. While this statement might be getting a little shop worn from over use, it is still true.

Oprah Winfrey posted a statement in her magazine that I am especially fond of (considering we share the same birth year I feel bonded with her in a way) She says:

"Getting older is the best thing that ever happened to me. I wake up every morning rejoicing that I'm still here with an opportunity to begin again and be better."

This is how I choose to practice  living my best life now.

Lisa Hagan, Paraview Literary agent, has agreed to take me and my book project - True North, on. As you can imagine, I am pretty excited about that! As a result of her believing in my project, I have been head down and writing every day, living my best life now.

I actually entered a 300 word essay to AARP on this very subject of Living Your Best Life Now. To qualify, a person has to be over fifty :) Gotta love it. If I win I will have an opportunity to be on the Today show in New York City. I think Lisa would be happy about that. From here on out it's all about promotion.

I am being trained in video media now also, so be looking for some Youtube activity from this corner.

In the meantime, continue to live your best life IN the now, moment by moment, winning.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Mini successes make up a magnitude of major ones

This business of e-querying and querying by snail mail is exciting. I am officially inspired by an SASE (self addressed stamped envelope) I received back Friday from David Black Literary agency.

"Thank you for sending us your material for our consideration. At this time WE WOULD LIKE to read an excerpt of your manuscript..."

I thought my eyes would bug out of my head, and there was no one home to share this thrilling news!

I called my Mother immediately, of course. She is my # one fan :)

Within moments of this great news I received a call from my publicity agent on another matter, but hey!    Divine providence! A stimulating discussion followed about how to handle the situation... they wanted fifty pages and I have only 33 in the proposal...

We strategized and came up with a solution. Author... I like the sound of that.

This is the second time I have garnered the interest of a literary agency. I'm on my way, don't cha think? Yay

Friday, June 21, 2013

Literary agencies

My new effort in getting my book, True North published, is to realize I need help. In the past I self published. The reason being, I didn't see myself as an author as much as I viewed myself as  writer. As a result, there are two of my best works sitting on my shelf here at home, waiting to be born again. Media publicist, Joanne McCall, suggested that  if I have a message, wouldn't it make sense to get it out there to help thousands or maybe millions instead of those in my personal sphere?


It clicked, I went forward with the idea, and after much training and polished effort, I have a proposal worthy of enticing the most discretionary literary agent.

Getting a query letter out once a day is my motto, just like a vitamin. I find I must do at least one thing a day in my business or I wouldn't be in business. I am an Author as well as a Story collector. These are my two focus's right now. I got help.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

What's Your Story?

I am proud to announce I am on yet another journey. I am working with a publicity specialist to update my profiles and introduce you to storytelling through "Whats Your Story" - every voice counts.

In the past fifty years in North America and Europe, we have become a society fascinated by story: our own stories and each others stories.
Now we have a way to preserve them. 

 We record memoirs between two people with your family and friends in mind.

Your Life Story is our local project whose mission is to honor and celebrate the lives of everyday Americans by listening to their stories. We record, preserve and archive the life stories of all people from all backgrounds and beliefs.

When we were parents with young kids at home, it was all about the children. When the children grew up and had kids of their own, it was often about the parents again, and the questions they could have asked, but didn’t.

I propose we take the proactive position and offer, as our gift, our personal opinion’s, advice and values.

Historically, story has been handed down from generation to generation. But in the age we live in now, we are inundated with information, much of it meaningless to our significant core units.

If you can block out 45 minutes with a friend, a microphone and a recording device, we will create a fascinating vignette.  It’s a tremendous opportunity and it’s fun!

What’s your story is for anyone who wants to be remembered.
Where did you attend school in your primary years?
Who was your favorite recording artist during high school?
Where were you born? How did you get your name?

These are just some of the things you and your partner might ask each other in your exclusive interview.
Who are you? What would you say and whom would you say it to?
It’s easy to record your story. And it’s easier not to. That’s why we are here.

A good referral for me would be two people who wish to leave a message from their heart to a family member, a friend, a spouse, a child, a teacher or anyone else.

So how much does it cost?

Sessions are available in pairs for $25 per person (limit three per session) or as a single for $35.00
Fee includes recording, archiving and preserving each interview. You walk away with a CD that can be duplicated and distributed.

Telling your story will ignite passion and rekindle the fire in your life and in your relationships. Why not do it now!

Julanne Dalke with – What’s your story?

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Go deeply into the place where you are holding the shadow that no longer serves you. Light the candle to dispel the darkness.
Begin again, leaving regret behind.
Quench the thirst you have for solitude. Believe you can and you will rest in the knowledge you already have.
Embrace a new beginning and accept the gifts you have been given. Act on latent talents and share what the Divine imparts joyfully!
What peace and serenity I find in this affirmation!