Tuesday, July 23, 2024

 Your Natural State of Being is LOVE!

You might wish you could snap your fingers and all your problems will disappear. On the contrary! Working towards mastery is going to take effort. As you get honest with yourself, you will gain clarity on  how and why you might want to embrace change. The journey may or may not be easy. It will depend on your readiness and willingness to implement new perspectives. If you are unwilling to be emotionally invested, then obviously there will be no life changing results.

The good news is, your natural state of being is LOVE! Trust yourself. You are the best friend you will ever have.

The word LOVE is called by different names. God, Eternal Identity, Spiritual Companion, Guide, Presence, Divine mind, Grace, Hero, Divine, Inspiration, Inner Being Omnipresence, Avatar, Wisdom and Inspiration. These words are used interchangeably to define what I consider to be helpmates in your life. They are Holy names for LOVE.

This expedition called life will never provide you with a destination. With each day that unfolds, you have another opportunity to affirm an ongoing lifestyle. Wait no longer to reach out to your inner being who wants the best for you. But you must ask. Help is literally at your fingertips. Walk awake, and listen to the whispers of your heart. By applying positive affirmations to your daily life I promise you will evolve into your best self. You will be glad you did!

Monday, July 22, 2024

 Are You at War with How you Truly Feel

Good news! It doesn't take years of practice to become free from limiting behaviors. It has been fear holding you back from living a stress free life. 

Are you at war with how you truly feel?

Are you being influenced by your most intimate circles?

Are you living your life to be accepted by your parents, peers, wife, husband, children, co-workers, or society in general?

How are you benefiting by being stuck in this way?

Most of us live with unfounded anxiety as a result of looking for approval outside ourselves. (Can you place a name on who that might be?) The fact is, nobody cares as much about you and the way you live your life as you might think. In the whole of your existence, no outside force you will ever encounter will contribute as much to your ability to do what you need to do and be who you want to be as that of your guiding, inner light. It is fired by the Divine Mind. By inviting it, you surrender your growing consciousness to the greater Source and discover the true extent of your strength and power. 

As you heed this Wisdom with conviction and confidence, the mosaic of your life will unfold with ease and grace. The fears that hold you back will be dissolved. By mastering thought and aligning with the Divine Source within, you free yourself from pain and release it. As you do, your stamina and courage will return. Your energy levels will improve. 

Next up? 

Your natural state of being is Love. Find out why!

Thursday, July 18, 2024

 Imagine your Intuition has a voice!

You are a being of light. Pure positive energy inhabiting a physical body. Yet for all its permanence, people sometimes ignore this incredible element of the eternal self. It is when you do not use your inborn Wisdom that you begin to doubt your personal truths. What you instinctively know is true in your heart is invariably guaranteed. You can discover how attractive and useful self-trust can be when you grow into the power of your internal understanding.

If you imagine your intuition has a voice, you might ask that Voice what it is trying to tell you. Following the advice you find through the power of your own speech could lead to making decisions based on what the inner reaches of your soul desires, rather than on external factors that tend to influence you.

When we acknowledge and then practice the power of the Voice within, our innate luminosity and Divinity, we cannot help but live an authentic and masterful life.

Next up:

Are you at war with how you truly feel?

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Your Eternal Identity defined

What does it mean to live with your Eternal identity. What exactly IS Your Eternal Identity?

Eternal identity is the part of the human heart that carries a frequency of intuition and emotion. Granted, you cannot "see" Consciousness, but in its purity it is capable of transcending fear based thoughts. It's a Supply that points to the presence of an absolute Other. Some might call it your conscience, Spirit, or your minds eye. It is an inner feeling or voice viewed as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior. It's a nudge. It's there promptings of guardian angels. It's an alert to fight or flight. An inner guide. An awareness of and response to our surroundings while we are awake. It's the distinction between the natural you and the non material side of you. It is a transpersonal state of consciousness beyond the limits of physical identity. It is the Eternal part of you.

Your Eternal Identity knows where you are going and understands where you are coming from. It is your personal connection to the Universal Mastermind. It is pure Love that is as big as the universe, and the universe can't be measured. It is infinite possibilities.

Next up? We will talk about how attractive and useful it is to imagine your intuition has a voice!

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Your Natural State of Being is Love

 Learn to understand your spiritual nature and learn how to apply this power to your everyday life. By mastering thought and aligning with the divine Source within you, you can free yourself from pain and release it. As you do, your energy levels will improve. Your stamina and courage will return. You will find yourself more and more in the flow of well-being.

I have learned that nothing outside of me can touch me. In some ways, I must have invited fear or encouraged it in some sort of self-sabotage. Your natural state of being is Love. Trust yourself. You are the best friend you will ever have! Use your imagination to create a story about how you want to live your life and why it is important that you share your brilliance with the world. Accept this as though it is your current reality. With practice you will begin to believe you are a worthy being in alignment with what I call your Eternal Identity. It is that magic place joining your personality with your inborn Spirit. It's your conscience, the small voice that prompts you to do right, not wrong. Believe it, affirm it, practice it and you will see it gain momentum in your quest to master life. Your own life!

So what does it mean to live with your Eternal Identity? What exactly is your Eternal Identity? Stay tuned for answers, coming up next!

Monday, July 15, 2024

 Be a Builder of Bridges instead of Barriers

It amazes me what we are truly capable of, creatively and physically, when we let go of all that holds us back.There comes a time when you remember who you were when you weren't carrying other peoples burdens, as well as your own. Get started by saying, I've had enough! Start by being your own influencer. Look for answers to your inquiries without outside impact. A tiny ray of light shines upon you when you return to your own beauty once again. 

Nearly every revolutionary change in the history of human progress came because someone questioned a time honored belief or tradition. The question reveals a new truth, a new way of doing things, and a new standard of ethical and moral behavior. People in the world today are struggling. No matter where you are in the course of your life, you will come across individuals who presume to know what is best for you. It usually starts with your parents. No surprise there, right? 

The problem is, your Eternal Identity is an elusive concept. Many inherently feel they must define themselves by what they DO, not who they ARE. The confusion surrounding your true nature is further complicated by society, who consistently asks you to suppress your emotions, intellect and spiritual vibrancy. 

You are, in truth, a being of light, pure positive energy inhabiting a physical body.  You have an Eternal Identity. An inborn Wisdom. Imagine that your intuition has a voice. As you follow the advice of the One within, you will lose doubt, shame, insincerity, grief and blame. Make decisions based on what the inner reaches of your soul desires, rather than on external factors that tend to influence you.

Coming soon!

Your Eternal Identity

Practicing the Principles of a Spirit Supplied Life