Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Your Eternal Identity defined

What does it mean to live with your Eternal identity. What exactly IS Your Eternal Identity?

Eternal identity is the part of the human heart that carries a frequency of intuition and emotion. Granted, you cannot "see" Consciousness, but in its purity it is capable of transcending fear based thoughts. It's a Supply that points to the presence of an absolute Other. Some might call it your conscience, Spirit, or your minds eye. It is an inner feeling or voice viewed as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior. It's a nudge. It's there promptings of guardian angels. It's an alert to fight or flight. An inner guide. An awareness of and response to our surroundings while we are awake. It's the distinction between the natural you and the non material side of you. It is a transpersonal state of consciousness beyond the limits of physical identity. It is the Eternal part of you.

Your Eternal Identity knows where you are going and understands where you are coming from. It is your personal connection to the Universal Mastermind. It is pure Love that is as big as the universe, and the universe can't be measured. It is infinite possibilities.

Next up? We will talk about how attractive and useful it is to imagine your intuition has a voice!

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