Thursday, July 18, 2024

 Imagine your Intuition has a voice!

You are a being of light. Pure positive energy inhabiting a physical body. Yet for all its permanence, people sometimes ignore this incredible element of the eternal self. It is when you do not use your inborn Wisdom that you begin to doubt your personal truths. What you instinctively know is true in your heart is invariably guaranteed. You can discover how attractive and useful self-trust can be when you grow into the power of your internal understanding.

If you imagine your intuition has a voice, you might ask that Voice what it is trying to tell you. Following the advice you find through the power of your own speech could lead to making decisions based on what the inner reaches of your soul desires, rather than on external factors that tend to influence you.

When we acknowledge and then practice the power of the Voice within, our innate luminosity and Divinity, we cannot help but live an authentic and masterful life.

Next up:

Are you at war with how you truly feel?

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