Monday, July 22, 2024

 Are You at War with How you Truly Feel

Good news! It doesn't take years of practice to become free from limiting behaviors. It has been fear holding you back from living a stress free life. 

Are you at war with how you truly feel?

Are you being influenced by your most intimate circles?

Are you living your life to be accepted by your parents, peers, wife, husband, children, co-workers, or society in general?

How are you benefiting by being stuck in this way?

Most of us live with unfounded anxiety as a result of looking for approval outside ourselves. (Can you place a name on who that might be?) The fact is, nobody cares as much about you and the way you live your life as you might think. In the whole of your existence, no outside force you will ever encounter will contribute as much to your ability to do what you need to do and be who you want to be as that of your guiding, inner light. It is fired by the Divine Mind. By inviting it, you surrender your growing consciousness to the greater Source and discover the true extent of your strength and power. 

As you heed this Wisdom with conviction and confidence, the mosaic of your life will unfold with ease and grace. The fears that hold you back will be dissolved. By mastering thought and aligning with the Divine Source within, you free yourself from pain and release it. As you do, your stamina and courage will return. Your energy levels will improve. 

Next up? 

Your natural state of being is Love. Find out why!

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