Tuesday, July 23, 2024

 Your Natural State of Being is LOVE!

You might wish you could snap your fingers and all your problems will disappear. On the contrary! Working towards mastery is going to take effort. As you get honest with yourself, you will gain clarity on  how and why you might want to embrace change. The journey may or may not be easy. It will depend on your readiness and willingness to implement new perspectives. If you are unwilling to be emotionally invested, then obviously there will be no life changing results.

The good news is, your natural state of being is LOVE! Trust yourself. You are the best friend you will ever have.

The word LOVE is called by different names. God, Eternal Identity, Spiritual Companion, Guide, Presence, Divine mind, Grace, Hero, Divine, Inspiration, Inner Being Omnipresence, Avatar, Wisdom and Inspiration. These words are used interchangeably to define what I consider to be helpmates in your life. They are Holy names for LOVE.

This expedition called life will never provide you with a destination. With each day that unfolds, you have another opportunity to affirm an ongoing lifestyle. Wait no longer to reach out to your inner being who wants the best for you. But you must ask. Help is literally at your fingertips. Walk awake, and listen to the whispers of your heart. By applying positive affirmations to your daily life I promise you will evolve into your best self. You will be glad you did!

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